EMMON - EMbedded MONitoring
Successful completion of EMMON projectThe project completed its final review and presented the DEMMON2 to the Project Officer and reviewers on 25th May 2012. Following the receipt of the Technical Review Report from the Project Officer on 23rd July 2012, the project has now been successfully completed. EMMON Open Day 2012 at SanjotecEMMON Open Day 2012 event in SANJOTEC Business and Technology Park in São João da Madeira, Portugal. DEMMON2 demonstrator was presented, with +400 Wireless Sensor Nodes (WSN) for an environmental monitoring application.
The information presented on this web site has been produced in the context of the EMbedded MONitoring project, which is in receipt of funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-13)