The EMMON project aims to allow monitoring geographical extensions using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) devices - small communicating & cooperative nodes with sensors. In order to achieve this ambition, EMMON will perform technological research at the level of devices, in new, efficient, and low power consumption communication protocols, embedded software with better overall energy efficiency, secure, fault-tolerant and reliable middleware for large scale monitoring and remote command & control operational systems for end-users.
The objective is to accomplish that these embedded devices can be placed in the environment to perform continuous monitoring and situation analysis, targeted at specific scenarios (water pipelines, urban quality of life, forest and marine environments, civil protection) detecting abnormal variations and broadcast rapidly alarms and alerts. EMMON has strong end-user involvement to have input about needs for large scale WSN utilization and maximize long term project impact. |
Fact Sheet
Full title: EMbedded MONitoring Agreement Number: 217967 Duration: 01.03.2009 - 31.05.2012 (39 months) Budget: 2.576 M€ Financial Contribution:
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Work Packages Summary
WP1 - Project ManagementThe objective is to perform the activities outlined within budget and time predicted and according to the goals formulated in the proposal. This work package ensures the overall management of the project in accordance with the Consortium Agreement and proposal, including project planning, coordination and day-to-day management as well as the handling of the financial, legal and contractual matters WP2 - Exploitation, Dissemination and StandardizationThe objective is to leverage results supporting all the dissemination and exploitation activities, including standardisation and the management of end-user interest groups in all operational scenarios. Unlike other work packages, all partners participate in the tasks, with specific responsibilities managed and appointed by the WP leader. WP3 - User Environment Requirements and NeedsThe objective is to identify systematically the end-user needs and requirements that should be taken into account in the project for each application operational scenario. End-users have different information requirements and need data at different intervals. Some will need data fusion before the set of data becomes useful, others will find alarms more useful for their daily activity. Focus of end-users can be in daily operations support or in fast identification and response to problems. All end-users operate in different environments, have their own needs and objectives and all have distinct requirements that will be mapped into different functionalities and applications in EMMON. Obviously it is critical to give extreme attention to end-user needs in order to detail further the requirements of the project. End-users have to provide detailed information about their daily operations and about the large areas they cover. WP3 will be split into several tasks, one per each operational scenario. WP3 will be coordinated by CSW but each task will be coordinated by the specific end-user. WP4 - Research on Protocols & Communication SystemsThe objective is to design, implement and test the new communication principles, protocols and mechanisms. The main challenge is how to support communications in large-scale embedded computing applications and still cope with requirements such as timeliness, reliability, security, energy-efficiency, system complexity and cost-effectiveness. Research and simulation principles for large scale WSN deployments. WP5 - Definition of Hardware Platforms and SensorsThe objective is to research COTS HW and sensors and define the device alternatives, together with the sensors that are required to perform the required measurements and SW RTD work. Main focus will be on HW selection and study and looking at COTS sensors and HW. State-of-the-art or under research equipment can be used but RTD on the HW/Sensor itself will not be performed, only assessment and evaluation regarding requirements (memory, CPU, battery, etc.). |
WP6 - Research on Embedded MiddlewareThe objective is to perform research on middleware that should be necessary to achieve large scale operations in all scenarios detailed by end-users in WP3. Main themes: cooperation between sensors, security, cooperation, data aggregation, reliability and fault tolerance, addressing, resource management and discovery. The goal of this work-package is to develop a software infrastructure that bridges the semantic gap between hardware and protocol/application implementation, to abstract away differences between different hardware platforms to provide a simple to use, consistent hardware interface for protocol and application developers, to expose necessary "hooks" for adaptation and optimisation of energy consumption, and, to this end, to support cross-layer optimisation. This work will also contribute to the development of a suitable programming model, in cooperation with other work-packages. WP7 - Implementation, System IntegrationThe objective is to merge requirements of all end-users and implement all system, middleware and device interfaces that are required to command & control (C&C) operationally. In such command centre end-users will be able to zoom in and out in a global screen and search for variations or specific areas, perform data fusion at the highest level. Such definitions will be used to compose the end-users interfaces for remote command & control of the sensor networks. The objective is to converge all research and implementations into a common system prototype that could be used for both system and module testing. Finally all developed components will be integrated in one prototype, with full connection of modules, components and interfaces all systems blocks and further developments and implementations. WP8 - Operational Testing & ValidationThe objective in this WP is to perform operational testing and validation of the devices, middleware, networking protocols and command & control systems developed in the previous WPs, in real situational scenarios. Validation activities will be performed against one of the scenarios defined in WP3, depending of project phase and proximity with partners. All end-users will support testing and validation activities, but of different components of the project. Furthermore, network simulators will be used in WP4 to perform early validation of protocols and the same simulators will be extended, integrated and completed in this WP. In order to guarantee the success of each milestone, a validation report will be produced at each stage. On the other hand, validation activities shall be performed with a pro-active approach to aid the detection of issues in the previous Work Packages. This means that validation activities will be carried out several times for each milestone. These validation activities include the execution of the full test plan when requested by each partner. The final purpose of this WP is to perform a full system test, in the operational site of one end-user, in order to allow assessment and proof of large scale operation with WSN. This will be delivered by deploying a physical network of up to 400 devices. Simulation tasks for network testing will also be performed this has the advantage that it does not have the same equipment constraints - it will be possible to test networks of thousands of nodes and show how they will perform and interact with each other within large scale networks. |